
Showing posts from September, 2020

Brief Quarter-End #RandomThoughts

It has been quite a month and quite a year at the Daily Outsider underscored by the first Presidential Debate last night.   Trevor Noah (whose comments we've featured in our Perspectives Property) reflected upon the first debate night last night. Our team released the proceedings of the Atlantic Festival Ideafest session throughout our for platforms as a Virtual Annual Celebration as we hope all enjoy visiting it and reflecting upon the ideas as October is before us.  We look forward to our on-going privilege to serve. Onward!! 

Out & About at the Daily Outsider : #RandomThoughts On Our World

It has been one of the most interesting and historical months we've had here in the Daily Outsider as we've been focused on the US Election Scene, the changes in the Middle East with the restoration of Diplomatic Relations with the UAE, Bahrain and Israel and the on-going challenges in Iran.  This is as our home State of California and the entire Western United States has been dealing with unprecedented fires. As our team continues its' on-going assessment throughout our properties, we hereby present a sampling of the discourse on the year that has been:

Out & About On the Web This Week

 We hereby present a Visual of the most popular Websites and couldn't help but wonder if and when we will make this honor list courtesy the Visual Capitalist: The Most Popular Websites Since 1993 from Visual Capitalist on Vimeo .